Solving kitchen problems with innovative products is my forte as a shopping editor. From trending pans to instant cold brew machines, I’ve seen my fair share of products that resolve common cooking woes. However, few gadgets address the amount of food waste found in most modern kitchens. Luckily, the Vitamix Foodcycler makes it easier than ever to reduce, reuse and recycle chicken bones and expired celery without any extra effort.

What is the Vitamix Foodcycler?

Unassuming and compact, the Vitamix Foodcycler fits next to kitchen garbage bins or under cabinets. It tucks away in the corner of a countertop, taking up the same amount of room as the average bread maker. Like composting, this machine cuts down the volume of food waste by up to 90%—that translates to several pounds per year for most families. It does so by turning scraps of food into useful fertilizer for indoor herb planters and outdoor gardens.

Each package arrives with the stainless steel (read: easy to clean) Foodcycler machine and a dishwasher-safe scrap bucket. The bucket’s carbon filter lid ensures no odors escape, so smells never permeate the air. Those making the switch to eco-friendly cleaning products or who prefer reusable products will appreciate saving space in landfills and finding a useful way to recycle leftovers.

How do you use the Vitamix Foodcycler?

Vitamix Foodcycler Ecomm Amazon.comvia merchant

Using the Vitamix Foodcycler is so easy that the entire family can get in on the action. Plug in the machine, put the scrap bucket inside and close the top. When produce goes bad (even produce keepers don’t save peppers forever) or it’s time to scrape dinner plates, open up the machine and add the food scraps right to the bucket. Doing so requires no more effort than tossing these items into the garbage can.

Once the bucket fills up, simply press the “on” button at the top of the machine. Inside, a whisper-quiet motor breaks down food waste into a tenth of its original volume. It also dries and heats up the scraps. At the end of each cycle—with most lasting around four hours—open the bucket for fresh fertilizer that doesn’t cost a penny. The best part is that the homemade fertilizer comes from clean ingredients that aren’t full of plant-harming toxins.

What Shoppers Had to Say

Verified shopper Elizabeth writes, “I spent six months studying all the available kitchen composters in this category and finally decided Vitamix was the best choice.

First of all, it can take any kind of food, including proteins. Secondly, it is literally silent and works in six hours to turn whatever you put in it into a fine, odor-free, brown soil amendment. That is amazing!

They all have a large footprint. This one is stainless and matches the other appliances in my kitchen. I found a great spot for it on the counter and bought a black bin to accept the fresh materials awaiting processing, that hooks over a drawer out of the way.

We don’t generate a great deal of organic waste material as I learned long ago how to use food before it spoils and to incorporate leftovers in new meals. In baking school, we were taught not to waste anything because profits in a bakery can be as little as half a percent! When you waste food, you go out of business.

We already practice biodynamic gardening, so this compost fits in beautifully with our current systems. Add that to the fact that if it were outdoors, pests might be attracted. This sleek, air-tight unit has no place for pests to access. I love this machine and highly recommend it.”

Where to Find the Device

Vitamix Foodcycler Ecomm Amazon.comvia merchant

With Earth Month coming to a close, it’s more important than ever to upcycle food scraps. The Vitamix Foodcyler is available at a variety of retailers, but the best deal is found on Amazon. Grab it today and enjoy $60 off, along with hundreds of dollars worth of savings on fertilizer purchases in the future. Save the planet (and your wallet) before the sale ends.

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