For thousands of years, drying was the only way to keep kitchen herbs from spoiling. Now, there are plenty of tools to store fresh herbs for weeks. You may be wondering, why should I learn how to dry herbs the old-fashioned way? The answer is simple: It’s easy, inexpensive and can keep herbs fresh for years.

If you’re looking to keep herbs long-term, drying fresh herbs is the way to go. To keep herbs fresh up to 12 months, learn how to freeze herbs.

How to Dry Herbs

Starting the drying process

Different fresh herbs on gray background. Healthy ingredients.Tatiana Atamaniuk/Getty Images

Timing is everything when it comes to drying herbs. They should be picked before the flowers develop and harvested on warm, dry mornings after the dew has evaporated. Because different types of herbs grow differently, we recommend picking and preparing one variety at a time.

To prep herbs, start by discarding any damaged leaves. Then, strip large-leaved herbs, such as sage and mint, from their stalks. Leave small, feathery herbs, like dill and fennel, on the stalks until drying is complete.

Tarragon, bay, mint, lemon balm, lavender, rosemary and small-leaved herbs such as thyme take well to air-drying, so they are great for beginners. Keep this in mind when you plant your kitchen herb garden!

Herb-drying methods

No matter which drying method you choose, effective drying relies on abundant dry, fresh air more than heat. A well-ventilated place out of direct sunlight is ideal. If you live in a humid area, the process may be slower, and mold can be a problem. If mold is an issue, we recommend using a small commercial dehydrator.

How to hang-dry herbs

herbs hanging and Dryingwirestock/getty images

To hang dry herbs, tie sprigs or branches into small bunches (large, dense bunches can develop mold and discolored leaves). Hang the bunches up to dry, leaves downward, wrapped loosely in muslin or thin paper bags to keep out dust and to catch falling leaves or seeds. Avoid using plastic bags because of mold development.

Allow 7 to 10 days to dry, depending on the size of the branches and humidity. Wondering if the herbs are completely dry? If the leaves sound like crisp cornflakes when crushed, they’re good to go.

You also can air-dry herb seeds like fennel, parsley, caraway and coriander. Seed heads tend to ripen unevenly, so once most of the head is brown, harvest it with about two feet of stem (or as long a stem as possible). Bundle four to five stems together, then cover the heads with muslin or a paper bag and hang them upside down.

How to dry herbs on a drying rack

Speed up drying by spacing out individual sprigs or leaves of herbs on racks. To make a drying rack, stretch muslin, cheesecloth or netting over a wooden frame and fix it in place. Place the rack in an airing cupboard, in the warming drawer of an oven or in a warm, airy spot out of direct sunlight. Turn leaves frequently to ensure even drying, which should take two or three days.

How to dry herbs in the oven

The leaves of herbs such as sage, mint, rosemary, thyme and parsley, stripped from their stalks, are perfect for oven drying. Space out leaves on a muslin-covered tray in an oven set to the lowest possible temperature (higher temperatures diminish the fragrant essential oils) with the door ajar to allow moisture to escape. Turn the leaves over after 30 minutes to ensure even drying; they will be quite dry within an hour. Leave in the oven until cool.

How to dry herbs in the microwave

Microwaving works well when drying small quantities of herbs. Separate the leaves from the stems, rinse if necessary and let air-dry. Place a single layer of leaves on a paper towel on a microwave-safe plate. Lay another paper towel on top, and microwave on high for one minute. Watch closely, and stop if you smell the herbs burning. Continue heating at 30-second intervals, if needed, until the herbs are fully dry.

How to Store and Use Dried Herbs

dried oreganoRavsky/getty images

To store herbs, crumble the dried herbs with your fingers (discard the hard leafstalks and midribs) and store in small, airtight containers. If you use clear glass containers, store them in a dark place so the herbs don’t lose their color.

When you’re ready to cook, remember: Drying concentrates the flavors, so you don’t need to use as much in recipes. That’s why it’s important to keep fresh-to-dried herb conversion in mind. For example, if a recipe calls for 1 tablespoon of fresh herbs, use 1 teaspoon of dried herbs instead. Remember this trick when using dried herbs in fresh herb recipes.

Next up: Use your home-dried herbs in these lavender desserts.

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