Soda bottles in a pink and yellow stripped, blow-up kiddie pool along with blue water balloons to keep them cool

One of summer’s best pastimes is a big backyard party filled with friends and family, potluck-ready favorites and… a dirty cooler? Nah. When you want to chill lots of drinks quickly, try this oh-so-cute water balloon hack.

All you need is a pack of standard water balloons, a blow-up kiddie pool and the beverages of your choice. Choose soda, beer or, if you’re feeling fancy, some wire bail bottles of freshly made lemonade.

How It’s Done

Fill up the water balloons with water from a sink or hose. Freeze them on a cookie sheet for at least four hours, or until frozen solid. (Freezing on a sheet helps them keep their shape.) When the party’s about to start, get those beverages chilled. Set up a kiddie pool on the deck or yard. Add the frozen balloons and beverages, alternating so no one has to dig around to find their favorite. Voila! You’re all set to have the best party on the block.

If you want to get even more creative, use balloons in school colors for graduation parties and metal pails or buckets for a backyard wedding.

Our absolute favorite part: get your kids to help with clean up the next morning by having a water balloon fight using the melted balloons! So get ready to kick back, relax and enjoy your new favorite party trick filled with the best summer drinks.

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