If you’re on an upcycling kick like most of us, you probably know all the usual tricks: You’ve already bought reusable grocery bags and a sustainable lunchbox or two, and you definitely know everything about composting. But there are plenty of other single-use items you can replace with reusable items—including cling wrap.

That’s right—now you can wrap up that half a lemon without worrying about how much plastic you’re adding to the garbage. All you need is beeswax wrap, an alternative food wrap that you can use for up to a year.

What Is Beeswax Wrap?

Beeswax wrap, or beeswrap, is a sustainable food wrap that can be reused over and over for about a year. It’s breathable and keeps food fresh for longer. Beeswax wrap is heat-activated—you can shape it around food or a bowl by heating the wrap with your hands, which softens the beeswax and creates a seal.

What’s Beeswax Wrap Made Of?

Beeswax wrap is usually made of cotton and coated or infused with food-grade beeswax, tree resin, coconut oil and jojoba oil to give it just a bit of stick. That means you can fold this product over onto itself and the fabric sticks together and seals keeping all your foods fresh.

Because it’s made of mostly natural products, beeswax wrap is completely biodegradable. That means you can absolutely toss it in the compost bin after its stickiness wears off—or even use it as a fire starter!

How Can I Use It?

The uses of beeswax wrap are varied and many, and we definitely can’t cover all of them. But there’s some definitely some benefits that you’ll see right off the bat!

It’s important to note that beeswax wrap can’t be used for raw meat, raw fish or wet food items like cut melons. However, you can toss these in a bowl and then put beeswax wrap over the top (but make sure the food doesn’t touch it!).

Skip plastic bags

Going plastic-free can seem like a lot of effort, but beeswax wrap can make it super-easy. Instead of using plastic baggies for lunch, just wrap a sandwich up in beeswax wrap and you’re good to go. Here’s what going plastic-free in the kitchen looks like.

Keep cut fruits and veggies fresh

After cooking, how often are you left with half a zucchini, cucumber or lemon? Instead of taking up precious fridge space by tucking those bits and bobs into bowls, wrap them in beeswax wrap. (Remember, skip the wet stuff!)

Slow bread from going stale

Whether it’s your basic homemade loaf or a crusty baguette, it’s so easy for bread to lie forgotten on the counter and eventually go stale. Luckily, beeswax wrap is the perfect way to keep it soft and delicious. Some brands even offer special long and thin wraps that you can use for longer breads, so you don’t have to worry about cutting it up or fitting it just the right way.

Keep cheese from drying out

Building an awesome cheese board requires a variety of cheeses. Most people use cling wrap to put away orphan wedges, which is a huge waste of plastic. Plus, it never springs back quite the same when you keep unwrapping and rewrapping your cheese. A great solution? Wrap it up in beeswax wrap. This is the best storage method for cheese.

Build your own snack packs

In search of something to hold your trail mix while you hike? Need a container for your Cheez-Its while on a road trip? Beeswax wrap to the rescue. Just place the snack in the center of a piece of wrap, then connect the corners to form a pouch.

Is Beeswax Wrap Safe?

Unless you’re allergic to one of its components, beeswax wrap should be safe to use. Unlike plastic wrap, it does have to be rinsed and air-dried to maintain effectiveness and cleanliness, but that’s a small amount of effort for its reusability. It keeps food safe, and may even have anti-microbial properties.

Where Can I Buy Beeswax Wrap?

If you’re ready to dive into the world of reusable food wraps, we’ve got you covered. You can buy ’em online in tons of different sizes and colors.

Our Favorite Beeswax Wraps

Don’t forget to check out these other reusable items you can use around the house!