I’m sure everyone has a food that they absolutely despise. For me, it’s mashed potatoes. Not fried potatoes or twice-baked potatoes or crispy thin-sliced potatoes that usually come in a bag, but the kind that is mashed and whipped up in a large bowl. It brings me back to some traumatic nights eating mashed potatoes as a kid, and I still can’t seem to eat them with pleasure.

Just like the rest of us, Ree Drummond also has a particular food that she despises. Even after becoming an iconic food television star, writing her blog The Pioneer Woman and opening up her own restaurant, Ree still can’t stand to eat bananas. In her opinion, it’s a food that she “hates, abhors, loathes, and recoils at the sight of.”

Wait, bananas, really?

Really. In a blog entry where she reluctantly shares a recipe for Bananas Foster, Ree shares that she has disliked bananas ever since she was a baby. She claims that it could be genetic, given that her brother and father both share this dislike for the fruit. She admits that in her entire life she has never eaten a whole banana, and if she finds herself accidentally taking a bite of it, she’ll spit it right out into a napkin.

Although she grew up with a fiery dislike of this fruit, her kids haven’t expressed the same dislike. In an interview with the Lexington Herald-Leader, Drummond admits that her kids constantly have to remind her to grab bananas when she’s at the store. Otherwise, she would never remember to grab them and stay far, far away.

But does she ever cook with bananas?

Not usually. Before sharing the recipe for Bananas Foster on her blog, Ree shared only one other recipe containing bananas: Her mom’s banana bread. Even in that blog entry, she mentions how much she despises bananas and “wouldn’t mourn their passing” if they disappeared from the earth forever.

Harsh? When I think about my dislike for mashed potatoes, I can’t help but agree with Ree’s dramatic claim. However, I am sad that Ree will never be able to truly enjoy one of these amazing frosted banana bars. Because wow are they good!

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