I am a huge advocate for the magical nature of shredded zucchini. Actually, I’m just an advocate for zucchini, especially since you can spiralize this vegetable and make a delicious “zoodle” dish that tastes divine with a fresh scoop of marinara (or any of these 42 zucchini noodle recipes). But I particularly love how shredded zucchini can be stuffed into all sorts of delicious foods, giving it a sneaky boost of satisfying nutrients.

However, in order to use shredded zucchini in a recipe, you need to drain the excess water in the vegetable. And let me tell you, this is not an easy task. Time and time again I tried squeezing out the water with layers of paper towels, which end up ripping mid squeeze and getting clumps of shredded zucchini all over my sink. I did try upgrading to a cheesecloth, but squeezing the water with this was still quite the feat. I was in need of a better solution, so when I came across this nifty trick on the Internet, I was stunned. How have I never thought of this before?

Use Your French Press


I know, I know. Are you also smacking your hand against your forehead? This idea is absolutely brilliant and incredibly easy. I will never be caught dead using a cheesecloth (or worse, a dreaded paper towel) to drain my shredded zucchini ever again.

Here’s how it works: Simply put the shredded zucchini at the bottom of your clean French press. Place the top over and press down, just like you would with your morning cup of coffee. Then drain! You’re welcome.

Don’t have a French press? This stainless steel and glass version will last for years (not to mention completely change your coffee routine!).

Why Should You Drain Shredded Zucchini?

Zucchini, along with a lot of other vegetables, is full of water. This water was helpful for the zucchini to grow. So it only makes sense that when cooking a zucchini, or another vegetable, that water and moisture will be involved with the cooking process.

For some recipes, that extra water is not needed and could even ruin what you’re trying to make. Adding drained shredded zucchini to baked goods, or even zucchini pancakes will make the dish fluffy and not mushy. To learn the basics, learn how to cook zucchini in three new ways.

Incredibly Delicious Zucchini Recipes
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