6 Little-Known Facts About Publix That Make Us Love It Even More

Don't have a Publix in your area? You're going to wish you did.

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exterior shot of a publix grocery store and parking lot
Cristobal Herrera/Epa/REX/Shutterstock

If you’re already familiar with Publix, you’re probably aware of how amazing it is as a grocery store. Especially if you like to save money while shopping, as it’s a great place to get the most bang for your buck. The supermarket chain has been around for decades, primarily located in the South. Publix locations are only in five states: Tennessee, Florida, Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina. Until they bring it to the North, we’ll have to hold out hope for Lidl, the new grocery chain that’s taking off.

Here’s every reason why we love Publix…some might even surprise you!

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Taste of Home

It Pays to Be Nice (Literally!)

Most of us thank our cashier and baggers just to be kind, but at Publix, this is the sort of thing they reward. Any customer that compliments an employee gets a coupon for a free sandwich at the deli! Talk about kindness paying off… With so many positive vibes going around, it’s no wonder Forbes has listed Publix as one of the
“100 Best Companies to Work For” since 1998.

Learn which bad shopping habits secretly frustrate grocery store workers.

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customer grocery shopping at supermarket

You’re Not Forced to Shop In Bulk

Every store has some buy-one-get-one-free deals, but at Publix, you don’t have to buy both things to get the savings. At some locations, you can get BOGO items at half price if you only want one. This is super handy considering that this type of deal is super common for pantry items!

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Taste of Home

The Meat Counter is Really, Really Helpful

These workers are seriously awesome. If you don’t feel like spatchcocking your chicken, just walk up to the counter. The Publix workers will cut your meat for free if you ask. They’ll even sell you individual parts of a rotisserie chicken if you just want the thighs or the breasts!

Speaking of the meat counter, did we mention they give out unlimited free samples? We’re sold.

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Son Helping Father To Prepare Vegetables For Meal In Kitchen; Shutterstock ID 627670430; Job (TFH, TOH, RD, BNB, CWM, CM): TOH Amazon Echo
Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

They’ll Teach You How to Cook!

Some locations have a small kiosk inside called the Apron Cooking School. Each day, a different recipe card is stocked at the kiosk for shoppers to pick up as they walk by. A professional chef will demo the various cooking techniques needed for making that specific dinner, making it super easy to duplicate any recipe at home. Even better? Every ingredient listed on the card is stocked next to the booth. Dinner has never been so easy!

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Taste of Home

The Food Is Really Good

Since anyone can get a free sandwich for being nice (and kids can get free cookies!), you’d expect the food in Publix to be sub-par, right? Wrong. Shoppers online remarked that the subs were some of the best they’ve ever had. Avid fans even call them “Pub subs!”

That’s just the beginning. In the ready-made aisle, the store stocks up on superb key lime pies, fried chicken, cupcakes, and delicious meats and cheeses. Plus, anything from the bakery counter is pretty much guaranteed to be delicious. Next time you stop by and snag a couple chocolate chip cookies on impulse, you won’t be disappointed.

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Jim Barber/Shutterstock

The Prices Are Super Cheap!

It’s all thanks to price-matching. Publix will take coupons from other stores, return opened items without a receipt and apply discounts even if you didn’t bring the code. Plus, if you see something marked for a lower price on the shelf than you paid—and can prove to an employee that the receipt is wrong—you get the item for free! Because of all these deals, some people say it’s cheaper than Walmart.

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