20 Food Trends We’re Looking Forward to in 2019

A new year means new trends. Here are our favorite predictions for 2019.

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Cheese plate with fruits and nuts on a black background
Shutterstock / OlegDoroshin

Grown-Up Snack Time

Few adults have the Kindergarten luxury of snack time, but this year expect to see more gourmet mini-meals on store shelves. Whole Foods predicts single-serve charcuterie boards and upgraded versions of lunch box staples will be popular.

These snack recipes are great for kids of all ages.

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tea cup
Shutterstock / Zadorozhnyi Viktor

American Tea

Globally, tea trumps coffee. And here in the U.S., consumers are finally taking note. Benchmark expects that in 2019 tea will be just as common as your favorite brew, so expect to see local “tea bars,” nitro tea on tap or tea cocktails. Already a tea aficionado? Try your favorite brew in these recipes.

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Homemade Green Organic Avocado Ice Cream Ready to Eat
Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock

Innovative Ice Cream

Healthy ice cream is nothing new (hey, Halo Top!) but new ingredients and flavor combos are expected to make waves in 2019. Whole Foods predicts consumers will find pints made with avocado or tahini, as well as creative ice cream mix-ins, like artisanal cheese. Here are the 13 craziest ice cream flavors in the US.

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Barbeque sauce with a basting brush in a jar
Shutterstock / Elena Veselova

Regional Flavors

Can’t make it to Kansas City for a taste of their world-famous BBQ? That’s okay. According to Kroger, consumers will soon be able to find classic regional flavors in the grocery store. Keep an eye out for inspired sauces, snacks and even ice cream.

Here are the best recipes from every state.

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Ghee or clarified butter in jar and wooden spoon on wooden table.

New Fats

Low-carb, high-fat diets (also known as Keto) are going nowhere in 2019, so consumers can expect to find new options for getting their daily fat intake. According to grocery chain Whole Foods, new flavors of ghee, coconut butter chocolates and variations of jerky will be popular.

Find our favorite Keto diet recipes here.

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 Grocery store shelf with bottles of Brew DR Kombucha in various flavors.
Shutterstock / Sheila Fitzgerald

Good for the Gut

Trying to keep your gut healthy? You’re in luck. Grocery giant Kroger plans to stock a host of gut-pleasing products on store shelves in 2019, including fermented foods (looking at you kombucha!) and probiotics.

Learn more about fermentation here.

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Eating healthy breakfast bowl
Foxys Forest Manufacture/Shutterstock

Food for Health

Eating an apple just because it’s healthy is no longer enough for many consumers. According to Tyson, a large meat producer, people want superfoods that will provide energy, but also boost brainpower, aid digestion or soften skin. Some consumers are even going so far as to customize their diets based on DNA.

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Bowl of maca powder on wooden background

Powerful Powders

Mushroom coffee? Maca chocolate? Check and check. According to Oklahoma State University’s Robert M. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center, 2019 will see an increase in products that get a little boost from nutrient-dense powders, including brain-boosting mushroom powders, maca root and turmeric.

We tried mushroom coffee. Here’s what we thought.

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Pouring aromatic honey into jar, closeup; Shutterstock ID 764193367
Africa Studio/Shutterstock

Natural Sugars

Sugar isn’t exactly a health food, so it’s no surprise that consumers are demanding new ways to get a taste of the sweet stuff. Oklahoma State expects we’ll be able to find more natural sugar replacements, like honey, fruit and coconut sugar.

Try these sweet (and surprising!) new ways to cook with honey.

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Raw Organic Red Dandelion Greens
Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock

Wild Produce

It seems that kale is finally on its way out—according to Benchmark, a global hospitality company—ready to be replaced by wild greens like dandelion and sorrel. Consumers can also expect to see more unusual citrus fruits, like the kumquat, replacing traditional lemons and limes. Another twist on the traditional lime? Black limes.

Ready to get started? Here’s how to cook dandelion.

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Fresh Jackfruit in white dish, half of jack fruit and jackfruit leaf on wooden table
Suriyawut Suriya/Shutterstock

Ocean-inspired Flavors

Global cuisine has been a trend for years as consumers travel the world via their taste buds. According to Whole Foods, this year’s destination is the Pacific Rim. Expect to find Filipino pork sausage, jackfruit and tropical fruits on the menu.

Learn more about jackfruit here.

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Vegan burger with pickles, tomato, and pickles on a whole wheat bun with a side of coleslaw
Shutterstock / Meagan Marchant

Alternative Proteins

In addition to fat, low-carb consumers are looking for new ways to get their protein fix. Oklahoma State predicts that 2019 will bring more options for meat alternatives, including insect-based products and protein-dense plant “burgers.” 

Have you heard of the Beyond Burger? Learn more about it here.

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Zero waste, plastic free recycled textile produce bag for carrying fruit

Eco-Friendly Packaging

Don’t expect to see a lot of plastic straws in 2019. Eco-friendly packaging—including reusable food wraps, recyclable drink lids and a push to bring your own vegetable bags to the grocery store—are going to be commonplace, according to Whole Foods.

Here are 6 reasons why you’ll love Bee’s Wrap, an alternative to plastic wrap.

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Trendy ugly organic carrot, beetroot and cucumber from home garden
Shutterstock / amophoto_au

Imperfect Product

Ugly is in, thanks to the likes of Imperfect Produce—a grocery delivery service that sells slightly deformed fruits and veggies. These types of programs aim to reduce waste and overcome consumers’ demand for perfect-looking produce.

Learn more.

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Tractor spraying pesticides on soybean field with sprayer at spring
Shutterstock / Fotokostic

Food Transparency

Consumers have a strong desire to know what’s in their food and where it came from. This trend will continue in 2019 with an increasing demand for transparency. According to Oklahoma State, genetically modified foods, the humane treatment of animals and farm-to-table sourcing continue to lead the change.

Learn more about agriculture in your area. Here are the best farm tours in every state.

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Puffed sweet rice in a round bowl on the old wooden background
Shutterstock / 5PH

Major Crunch

It’s no secret that we love our crisp, crunchy foods. And in 2019, Oklahoma State predicts we’ll see more puffed, crisped and popped foods—like pasta, seaweed and rice.

Learn the secret to this addictively crunchy tossed salad.

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Making coffee from smartphone, modern coffee maker
Shutterstock / Piotr Adamowicz

Food, Meet Tech

Our kitchens are getting smarter. And in 2019, Tyson Foods thinks this trend will only continue as technology gets more advanced. Expect to find more futuristic appliances and gadgets in stores soon. 

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Blur coffee shop or cafe restaurant
Shutterstock / HAKINMHAN

Eating as an Experience

It’s almost too easy to have a meal brought to your doorstep. But Benchmark predicts that consumers will start going out to eat again instead of just ordering in. Consumers crave the experience of eating a meal at a restaurant—even if it’s a little less comfortable than the couch. Discover a great hidden gem in your state with our guide to the best small-town restaurants across America.

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Woman eating instant noodles with wooden chopsticks on blurred background of her arms and body
Shutterstock / Boontoom Sae-Kor

Snacks from the Sea

Seaweed had its moment, so now it’s time for algae, salmon skins and kelp to take center stage. Whole Foods says consumers can expect to see the likes of kelp noodles, sea fennel and olive blends and water lily snacks in 2019. Here’s why you need to know about umami—the secret reason why these foods taste so great.

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Happy housewife cooking squid with seafood in home kitchen
Shutterstock / QMTstudio

Flavor Fusion

Mixing different food cultures and flavors together is nothing new (anyone else remember the sushi burrito?). But typically these experiences could only be found in a restaurant. In 2019, Tyson Foods predicts that these fusions will work their way into home kitchens, too. And in 2022, San Francisco style Vietnamese American garlic noodles was the most popular recipe of the year.

Hungry? Try these authentic recipes from around the world.

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