Nothing spoils outdoor fun faster than the arrival of mosquitoes. To figure out how to keep mosquitoes away, our editors have researched everything from citronella candles and plants to mosquito lights. Then, this viral TikTok video about using coffee to repel mosquitoes made us curious: Does burning coffee grounds keep mosquitoes away?

This method is simple. You don’t need to set up any equipment or buy special materials. You already have everything for this mosquito repellent: coffee grinds and matches.

Does burning coffee repel mosquitoes?

No conclusive research has been published, but anecdotal evidence says that burning coffee does repel mosquitoes. This may work for a couple of reasons. First, the burning grounds have a strong, bitter smell, which bugs find unpleasant. The strong smell also masks the odors that attract mosquitoes to humans in the first place, like carbon dioxide and the smell of our skin. Finally, insects generally steer clear of smoke (which is also part of what makes candles an effective repellent). In short, there’s good reason to think this trick works—and it’s certainly easy to try.

Is burning coffee grounds safe?

Be careful with anything involving fire: Set the coffee grounds in a safe place where people won’t bump them accidentally. Keep them out of reach of kids and animals, and never leave burning grounds unaccompanied. Extinguish any flame or smolder when you’re done.

Burning coffee for mosquitoes also creates a strong smell, which some people may find unpleasant (and those with asthma should steer clear).

How to Burn Coffee Grounds to Repel Mosquitoes

A woman with glasses sits outside, alternating between holding a Ben & Jerry's ice cream carton and a bowl of melted ice cream. She points toward the camera in the final frame. The TikTok logos and text overlays are visible in each frame.VIA @BABIESOFSTEELE/TIKTOK

Of all the ways to ward off bugs, this is one of the simplest. Spread a few spoonfuls of ground coffee across a flat, stable and flameproof container, like a pie tin or a piece of aluminum foil. Then burn the grounds like you would incense. Put the grounds upwind from where you’re sitting, and if you’re having a backyard party, put out a few dishes for more coverage.

For best results, consider having more than one anti-mosquito trick up your sleeve—maybe even add a few mosquito-repelling plants to your garden.