Moon Drop grapes are sweeping the produce sections of grocery stores across the nation. But what makes these grapes so out of this world? And how do they get their long shape?

What Are Moon Drop Grapes?

Moon Drop grapes have a dark blue-hued skin, a pale green flesh and an oblong, tubular shape. (They sort of look like miniature eggplants!) They’re grown by Grapery in the Southern San Joaquin Valley, California and harvested from August to November.

Moon Drops get their special shape from the special care and attention from growers. “We don’t harvest all of our grapes at once. Instead, we carefully harvest each field several different times, selecting only the very best grapes that are fully ripe and at their absolute peak of flavor,” says Jack Pandol and Jim Beagle, the founding farmers of Grapery. The two vineyard virtuosos also cultivate popular new grape flavors like Cotton Candy, Gum Drops and Flavor Pops.

And in case you’re wondering, Grapery grapes contain no additives, infusions or GMOs.

What Do Moon Drop Grapes Taste Like?

Moon Drops have a crisp bite with a naturally sweet, juicy flavor, making them a yummy addition to stylish cheese plates. We highly recommend these 6 genius ways to enjoy grapes.

Where Can You Find Moon Drops?

Moon Drop grapes can be found at most major grocers, including Trader Joe’s, Kroger, H-E-B, Sam’s Club, Whole Foods, The Fresh Market and Wegmans. You can also order these online for around $4.99 per pound courtesy of Fresh Direct. They’re only in season for a limited time (Most stores carry them through November or while supplies last), so grab a bunch or two while they’re fresh.

Psst! Grapery has a unique grape finder tool on its website so you can plan ahead for your next grape adventure!

Gorgeous Recipes for Grapes
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