9 Things You Didn’t Know About IHOP’s Secret Menu

Updated: Nov. 10, 2023

There’s a lot more you can order than pancakes!

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Shutterstock / Jonathan Weiss

IHOP is famous for its breakfast. If you’re in the mood, you can choose between a variety of favorites, from Rooty Tooty Fresh ‘N Fruity Pancakes to T-Bone Steak and Eggs. But sometimes even when you’re in a familiar place, you’re in the mood for something new. You’ll be happy to hear that IHOP has a secret menu that ventures beyond the tried-and-true. Here’s what you need to know:

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Shutterstock / James R. Martin

French food is big

The chain seems as American as all get out. So it may surprise you that if you ask, you can finish your meal off with some Red Velvet Chocolate Cheesecake Macarons, Spoon University reports. The chain also caters to Francophiles with a Roquefort and Pear Souffle that you can request as part of its dinner menu.

Check out these French recipes that are easy enough to make at home.

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Shutterstock / Jonathan Weiss

IHOP likes rare beef too

If you have a hankering for some rare beef, you can request Steak Tartare, a staple of some higher-end eateries. The cook will serve the meat with egg yolks, seasoned with onions and capers.

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Shutterstock / Kit Leong

You may have to order in advance

Craving some seafood that’s a little healthier than fish and chips? You can order the Argentinian-inspired Patagonian Prawn Ceviche from the secret menu. The catch? You have to call at least four hours ahead to request this dish.

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Shutterstock / Jonathan Weiss

IHOP lives up to the “I” in its name

If you were deciding between IHOP and an Italian restaurant, you’ll be happy to know that you can request an Italian-inspired Spinach and Asparagus Risotto. Bonus points? It’s got more veggies than lots of IHOP’s other offerings. Don’t miss these secret menu items at your favorite restaurants.

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Shutterstock / Jonathan Weiss

You can combine breakfast and lunch in one dish

The thing about a restaurant that serves yummy breakfast things all day is that you’re torn between what to order when you go there around lunch or dinner time. But you can enjoy the best of both worlds when you ask for the Onion and French Fry Omelette.

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Kids eating at Ihop

You can ask for a little special treatment

You’re going with the pancakes after all? Good call. You’ve got an array of syrup options on your table. But wouldn’t it be nicer if that blueberry syrup were warm? Well, all you have to do is ask. If you can’t get enough of IHOP’s pancakes, their new limited-edition mini pancake cereal will undoubtedly be your new breakfast go-to. Find out 9 restaurants you never knew had secret menus.

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Shutterstock / Michael715

You can request healthier ingredients

The eggs that you get in your omelet may not come directly from actual chickens, as it turns out, Menuism reports. You can ask servers to request that the cooks use real eggs in your meal, however.

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Shutterstock / James R. Martin

You don’t have to blow your diet

With many breakfast entrees clocking in around 1,000 calories, IHOP may not seem like a great choice when you’re watching your weight. But it turns out that you request several options for less than 500 calories. One option? The Whole Wheat French Toast For Me, with two slices of toast, banana slices, scrambled eggs and two slices of turkey bacon. Then find out whether Chick-fil-A’s secret menu is better than its real one.

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Shutterstock / Ken Wolter

Your regional favorite may just be local

Reddit user lumpsr works at IHOP and says lots of items that used to be on the IHOP menu have been removed. You should still be able to order them, though, as long as the cook has the ingredients on hand. And some IHOP franchises offer dishes that are specific to their region. So an IHOP in the South might sell grits and sweet tea, while franchises in other parts of the country don’t. Next, don’t miss these 13 secrets your restaurant menu won’t tell you.

Reader's Digest
Originally Published on Reader's Digest